Part of the mandate of the BC Association of Abattoirs is to provide assistance to its members through projects to benefit the whole industry, in an effort to fulfill the objectives outlined in our Strategic Plan.

BC Meats Quality Information System


  • This exciting new online ordering program for chefs, grocers and butchers was launched in May 2014.  Producers who would like to have their profile listed on this site will need to be 100% BC Beef licensees.  Download our BC BeefNET Info Sheet for a program overview.
  • To visit the site and watch a demonstration video, use google chrome as your browser and go to
  • For more information or to have your profile listed, please contact Sandra at 

BC Food Safety Enhancement Program

  • Food Safety: Our reputation, viability and growth depend on it The increasing trend for consumer to buy and eat locally grown products puts BC abattoirs in a positive position to provide safe, high quality meats to BC families.  Read more
  • To view our Food Safety Enhancement Program video, please use this link

BC’s Best Raw Pet Food

  • BC’s Best is a new, premium raw pet food that is built on the core values of pet health,  local ingredients, sustainable agriculture and humane animal production standards.  Beginning with man’s best friend, our team has formulated recipes using modern nutritional science guided by ancient wisdom and basic biological truths. Our pets are healthiest when eating the foods they were designed to eat. Cats and dogs have lived for thousands of years on this planet eating mostly meat. They ate it RAW and it varied seasonally and day to day. With this in mind, our fall/winter and spring/summer product lines evolve around the fruits, vegetables and herbs that are seasonally available within B.C.
  • BC’s Best Raw Pet Food Info Sheet

Hide Value Chain & Market for Beef By-Produce Utilization

  • Final Hides and Beef Byproducts Report